New Morning Rituals

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I’m a firm believer that creating your own morning ritual is one of the most powerful things you can do to transform your life.

Like what I mentioned in my previous posts, I’m a morning person and a creature of habit however, I also get bored easily that I have to tweak my habits to make life exciting and adjust to my lifestyle.

I blogged about my morning rituals and since then I’ve made some few changes. Here are my new morning rituals:

1. Exercise at home

The moment I wake up, I put on my workout attire and head downstairs to hydrate then go into the family room to exercise with the girls (aka Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism by Jillian Michaels YouTube video. Watch it for FREE here).

I don’t lounge in bed or think about how hard it will be to workout, I just do it. I block all thoughts and just focus on the the video’s circuit routine. It only takes around 45 minutes and I’m done. I’m really loving the free workout videos on YouTube!


2. Breakfast after working out

There’s this ongoing debate whether to eat or skip breakfast before working out and I’m not an expert but so far, what’s working for me is exercising in the morning before eating. I find that my metabolism works super fast and I’m OK doing cardio on an empty stomach. I just hydrate well.

Important: Seek your doctor’s advice


Boiled egg and saltine crackers for brekky

3. Meditation

I started meditating two years ago. Since I’m an early riser, I take advantage of the peace and quiet at home and just sit in silence. It helps me become calmer and  productive at the same time.

There are different types of meditation and one of my favorites is the FREE Midifi meditation app. Recently, I started listening to weight loss hypnosis and I love it! It allows me to focus attention in finding calm and clarity — can lower high blood pressure. It can also help you manage stress, which drives me to eat.


4. Watch a funny movie/TV series

I allot time in the morning to watch a funny movie or TV series. Starting my day laughing proves to be positive and brings more joy into my life!

Thanks to my daughter Aryanna for introducing me to Brooklyn Nine-Nine! I love this series as it’s funny and fast-paced—each episode is only 20 minutes. It’s my quick happy fix in the morning.


5. Salad for snack

Roughage before lunch is a must! Skip the bread, you’ll thank me for it.


If you’re following me on Snapchat (jenniepperson) you would know that I practice all these rituals on a daily basis.

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