There once was a time in my life when not being productive was the worst thing ever. I felt like I was just waiting for my life to start and wishing that I would “make it” in my career and life in general. As I got older though, I started to appreciate the nothingness in my life. Life has gotten hectic and caused me to be stressed and tired so spending my day reading e-magazines, eating salads, meditating, and organizing my walk-in China closet started to sound like ecstasy. So I forged into the semi-retired lifestyle, basically, I allowed myself to be bored. It was actually super fun. I lounged in my t-shirt and shorts the whole day, caught up on all the Netflix series that I missed over the years (Pretty Little Liars, The Good Wife, House—you get the picture), and I just delighted in the fact that I never had to take any anti-anxiety meds to chill. Life was good.
For someone who began working at an early age, shifting my focus to relaxation marked a welcomed change from my previously fast-paced lifestyle. In the process, I discovered how to center myself and found inner peace (#namaste). Literally, my life felt like a marshmallow—sweet and soft, haha! My body was relaxed and calm, my mind clear and focused, and I found myself listening to my intuition. After a three-year hiatus, I came to the realization that living the lady of leisure lifestyle was, well, overrated!!! LOL

Ladies of leisure icons of the silver screen: ‘The Women’, 1939
I am delighted to present to you my new e-commerce business: Always Sunday
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