My 2014 New Year’s Resolutions

jenniLifestyle 2 Comments

The New Year is all about hope: the opportunity to start over, the chance to do better, and the new possibility of making a positive change in our lives. In reality, we can make a fresh start at anytime of the year, but we tend to realize this more at the beginning of a new year. I love that feeling!

Every year, I blog about my New Year’s Resolutions to declare changes and improvements I want in my life.

There are some people who don’t believe in making resolutions because they don’t think they can keep it. They may be afraid to fail or to be disappointed. No one wants those feelings. I surely don’t. That’s why when making my resolutions list, I also write down a plan on how to achieve them. It’s easier to nurture the improvements I want when there’s a system to follow.

My New Year’s Resolutions for 2014:

1. To be more disciplined in life.

I am the most passionate person but I have to admit that I lack discipline. It’s true. Everything I’ve done in my life was fueled by passion—doing things with intense feelings and enthusiasm to attain my goals. So far it has worked for me but I am now at a point in my life where I’d like to sustain whatever humble success and happiness I have. To do this, I believe that I have to master myself.

“Mental toughness is many things and rather difficult to explain. Its qualities are sacrifice and self-denial. Also, most importantly, it is combined with a perfectly disciplined will that refuses to give in. It’s a state of mind — you could call it character in action.” — Vince Lombardi

Self-mastery is all about self-control and self discipline, which are not exactly traits of passionate people. It’s not easy for me to restrain feelings of excitement plus, I am susceptible to instant gratification. There’s nothing wrong with that but I realized that lacking control may have long-term negative effects on my life.

In the end, I believe that self-control will ultimately bring more happiness and success for me because I will avoid problematic desires and conflict. It’s all about practice and long-term fulfillment.

“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” — Jim Rohn

2. Embrace exercise as part of my lifestyle

For someone who grew up rail thin, gaining weight is hard. I feel uncomfortable and frustrated because my body is not what it used to be.

The reality is, the older we get, the harder it is to maintain our ideal body. Eating healthy and exercise are key.

Last year, I started exercising: power walks at the park, conquering the stairs in our condo and Kinesis Training at LifeScience. I feel great! Although, I still have to do it on a regular basis.

This year, as part of my goal to be discipline in life, I’m going to exercise 3-4 times a week. My plan is to start slow and choose fun activities so that I can progress to more advanced and regular exercise programs.

3. Blog regularly

When I started blogging, I used to post 2-3 entries a day, everyday for four years. Insane.

I was passionate about sharing information, memories and connecting with my readers. It was amazing! I then became pregnant with my son Dylan. My priorities have changed. Living life became more important than blogging. So over the last three years, I’ve slowed down in posting articles and sharing my life online. I needed time off to make new memories, experience new things and adventures in my life. It’s been wonderful and fulfilling. My life is filled again and I’m ready to share them with all of you!

I’m very grateful though that despite not blogging regularly last year, my readers still visit my site often. Based on the analysis of my site meter, my blog readers re-read my old posts and stay on my website for an average of 5 minutes! Wow! My blog also won the first ever Virtual Style Awards for Best Online Reporter! Thank you!

This year, my website is going to be MAJOR! Tune in for the next level!

4. Eat more veggies and fruits. 

It’s all about roughage!!!

5. Drink less alcohol.

It’s not that I drink a lot, it’s just that I get affected quickly by a little alcohol.

I should drink water in between sips.

6. Organize my digital files.

Lord, where do I begin? Just thinking about this task is overwhelming. I need help. What’s the best way to organize photos and other files? Any suggestions?

7. I am going to make an effort to memorize the names of people I meet.

I am notorious for forgetting names. There was this one time when I was hanging out and talking to a new acquaintance for hours and the next day, we bumped into each other in the mall and I couldn’t remember her name. I was mortified.

I get panic attacks when people say hi to me and I can’t remember who they are. It’s embarrassing.

I found these helpful tips online:

8. Travel more

Go to new places and revisit old destinations. I must travel.

9. Have more “beauty” days

I want to preserve my youth.

I will book regular facials at Facial Care Centre, haircuts at Henri Calayag Salon and massages. I also want to upgrade my skin care ritual.

10. Donate more to charity.

According to the ancient Greeks, “the unexamined life is not worth living.” Re-evaluating your life and improving it will benefit you and your loved ones.

Time to put solutions to the resolutions! Let’s do this!

Comments 2

  1. Hi Jenni,

    thanks for generously sharing your thoughts, personal views, experiences and adventures. They are worth reading. They actually inspire me and give me some insights how to handle my life and my family.

    I hope I have more time to visit your site.

    Best regards,

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