Fried Garlic Pepper Quinoa

jenniFood 3 Comments

It’s hard for us Filipinos not to eat rice. The problem about eating white rice is that it is high in sugar. Quinoa (pronounced as “KEEN-wa”) is a healthier substitute to rice.

Compared to white rice, quinoa has a nutty flavor. The texture is also grainy like couscous. If you’re used to eating white or brown rice it might take a while for the palate to get used to the flavor. I find that one of the best ways to introduce quinoa into your diet is to try a recipe that is familiar and tastes good.

You’ll love this:

Fried Garlic Pepper Quinoa

This is the quinoa version of our favorite garlic rice.


leftover cooked quinoa (click here for basic quinoa recipe)
2 tsp extra virgin olive oil
4-5 cloves of garlic, chopped

Easy peasy:

Step 1: Fry the garlic in extra virgin olive oil

Step 2: Add the cooked quinoa (preferably day old cooked quinoa)

Step 3: Season with a generous amount of pepper. Add salt to taste.

Step 4: Serve with a smile. 🙂

Happy healthy eating!

Comments 3

    1. Post

      Hi Rowena,

      Like everything in life, moderation and balance are key.

      According to the GERD-Diet website, quinoa is safe to eat. Here’s the link:

      Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease can be painful and dangerous so consulting a physician is a must.

      Thanks for your comment!


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