“Dr. Fabulous”

jenniAmazing Readers Leave a Comment

From: RT @ALTitude66 @JenniEpperson you are such a convincer – hahaha http://pic.twitter.com/WKUh1Itd

Dr. Alnette sporting Lancel’s French Flair in fuchsia. Don’t they look fabulous together?

“@ALTitude66” is non other than Dr. Alnette Tan of American Eye Center. She was the doctor who performed the LASIK surgery on me.

Just after I blogged about Lancel bags, agad-agad s’yang nagshopping sa Lancel, Shangri-la Mall! Fab!

May tip pa si doc:

Aminin mo doc, Lancel’s French Flair has buttery soft leather, it’s reversible, and roomy. Bonggang bag s’ya talaga!

Thanks for the Twitpic, doc! Enjoy your new bag!

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