So you’re finally on vacation. You’ve slept in, prepared the menu and wrapped all the presents, now what?
If you don’t want to spend the whole day glued to the boob tube might as well do something fun and creative. Time for some D.I.Y. projects!
Honestly, I’m not into D.I.Y. I’d rather buy the things I want from a store than make them. Please don’t judge me. It’s the shoppingera curse! But being a mom has forced me (yes, it’s “forced”) to get the kids busy and to buy me time to put on my false eyelashes.
Snow Globes
We all love those water spheres filled with random “kyootness”. Unfortunately, some of them come with a price, and if you buy them, then there will be no D.I.Y. projects and you will be going to the party without falsies!
What you need:
Sugar and empty jars

My family eats a lot of jam. We recycle the jars and use them as containers, flower vases and make D.I.Y. projects out of them.
Random “kyootness” and a pair of scissors

We’re big on recycling at home. This old box of Christmas candle is a great D.I.Y. material. It was Aryanna’s idea to cut out the gingerbread and Christmas tree.
Easy peasy:
Place random “kyootness” inside the empty jar with sugar. That’s it.

These gingerbread characters look adorable whether they’re on a candle box or inside a snow globe!
If you have kids/nieces/nephews at home and you want some peace and quiet, give them a Christmas project to work on.

Because we can’t eat all the candy canes at home, we put them in a jar.
I know what you’re thinking, it’s so easy and it takes less than five minutes to make one. You’re right, but who says that they’re only making one or three? The key is to give them as many jars as you can find and maybe borrow additional cups of sugar from the neighbors.

Aryanna’s figurine gets a new home this Christmas.
Let the kids get creative. Choose a winner. Winner eats all the sugar. Their sugar high would give them enough energy to do the next project.
The Epperson’s official snow globe shaker:
Shake, shake, shake!
Shake it, baby!
I believe my son Dylan is checking if the figurine is still in one piece or how to open the jar and get the sugar. Haaay!
Anong balak?
After five minutes… Sawa na.
Sugar high?
Use the snow globes to decorate your home or use them as centerpiece for your dining table. They cost nothing but when displayed in your home, it means everything to your kids. Adults will love them too!
Shoppingero/shoppingera, Happy Christmas Eve!