Caviar & Egg Salad + Pepper Bakes

jenniFood 3 Comments

We love celebrating Easter at home because just like Thanksgiving, there are no gifts, just family and food. It’s also about celebrating new beginnings!

In keeping with the Easter egg theme, here’s a simple yet savory recipe that you can share with your loved ones on Easter Sunday.

Caviar & Egg Salad


6 hard boiled eggs, peeled
1/4 cup mayonnaise
2 tbsp. yogurt
3 tbsp. butter, softened
1 small jar of caviar
1 tsp. lemon juice
Cayenne pepper
Salt and white pepper to taste
1 tsp. sugar (optional)
Fresh parsley, finely chopped
Foccacia bread, toasted

Easy peasy:

Chop peeled eggs into a bowl Add mayo, dill, and salt and pepper. Mix until well blended.

Hard boiled eggs

Red lumpfish caviar

I usually use black caviar but for to keep within the Easter theme, I used the red lumpfish caviar.

You can use a light mayo or Egg-free Vegenaise as a healthier option

My husband Tom makes homemade yogurt. You can use store bought plain yogurt or Greek yougurt.

Use freshly squeeze fresh lemon juice

Fresh dill would be ideal but I could only find curly parsley in of fridge.

What is life without butter?

I highly recommend using foccacia bread for this recipe.

Easy peasy:

Step 1: Mix together the mayo, yogurt, cayenne pepper, salt and white pepper

Step 2: Add the lemon juice. You may add a teaspoon of sugar if you want it a bit sweet.

Step 3: Whisk 2 tbsp. of butter

Step 4: Add chopped parsley

Step 5: Chop the eggs

Step 6: Mix the eggs with the dressing.

Tip: Layer the eggs and dressing. By ding so, the eggs get coated evenly without over mixing it. You want a chunky style egg salad and not a mushy mix.

Step 7: Toast the bread. Spread a thin layer of butter to prevent soggy sandwiches.

Tip: Use mother-of-pearl or plastic spoon when serving caviar as they are nonreactive, letting caviar’s fragile flavor reign.

Step 8: Top the egg salad generously with caviar.

I think this is way too much caviar but I love the taste of it so todo na ‘to!

Happy days!

This caviar and egg sandwich is the bomb! It’s both creamy and savoury. You can also serve this any time of the day. Walang sisihan pag na addik kayo.

Pepper Bakes

If you still haven’t checked out my daughter Aryanna’s videos, this is one episode you shouldn’t miss! It’s with her dad! Sooo hilarious!

Tip: Watch it on HD.

Subscribe to Aryanna’s show here:
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Shoppingero/shoppingera, Happy Easter!

Comments 3

  1. JENNI! you just killed caviar in my russian eyes!! hahaha)) you have to eat it just with spoon, big silver spoon. hahhahaah)))

    1. Post

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