When I hear about a bottle of wine/alcohol that costs P1,000,000.00 a pop, I am always curious on what it taste like. There’s nothing like satisfying ones curiosity but obviously, I’m not about to blow my cash just to indulge on a drink.
However, when I come across a P300 bottle of ketchup (most bottled ketchup in the grocery cost between P18 to P60), now that’s worth killing the curiosity sans the guilt. Thanks Alicia Sy for the heads up!
Sir Kensington’s Classic Ketchup (I bought it in Rustan’s supermarket) boasts a surprisingly short list of wholesome ingredients like crushed tomatoes, raw sugar, and a blend of vinegar and spices.

50% less sugar, no high fructose corn syrup, less salt, and only non-GMO ingredients. At last, progress—a ketchup that requires no apology.
The taste test: To maximize the flavor, I made hand-cut, air fried (I used an Air Fryer to cook it) potatoes and dipped them in Sir Kensington’s Classic Ketchup.

Tip: Refrigerate after you open the bottle.
The result: The texture is thicker than regular bottled ketchup and the taste is like eating a thick sauce of seasoned crushed tomatoes which is delicious! At first, the texture and taste is like eating tomato paste then after a few dips, you can really taste all the tomato, raw sugar and the tangy blend of vinegar and spices flavors. It has a richer and deeper flavor compared to other ketchup and it’s absolutely delicious!
The winning flavors rely less on sugar and salt and more on, well, flavor.

“It’s a condiment, not a confection.” So cute and so true!
I love the packaging!

Sir Kensington’s Ketchup has become a staple in our pantry and it is referred to by my son Dylan as the “good ketchup.”
Would I buy this P300 bottle of ketchup again? I already did! I’ve got two bottles of the Classic and one bottle of the Spiced version.

I don’t mind getting drunk on this brand of ketchup.
I’ve used this ketchup for burgers, pizza sauce and as a dip for fried chicken. So yummy!
Race you to the grocery!
Sir Kensington’s Ketchup (available in Classic and Spicy) is available at the Marketplace By Rustan’s.
Comments 6
Sounds good to me! I might just have a race to Rustan’s this weekend! 🙂
Hi Edeiweiza,
Go! Go! Go!
Really yummy. I like that people are paying attention to their condiments these days: catsup, mustard, even mayonnaise . I have another one for you to try! Will send you a photo of the bottle.
Hi Alicia!
Thanks again for the heads up and I’m looking forward to your next recommendation.
If you haven’t already, try these too – sir kensingtons spicy brown mustard and sriracha mayonnaise. Yummy!
Thanks for the reco JoAnn!! I’m not sure if it’s available in Makati City but will be on the lookout for them.