I know that the title of this post is ironic especially coming from a stylist, fashion lover, and shopingera like me, but it’s true, I’ve rediscovered the fun of shopping… for myself.
For years, I had fun shopping for clients and family. The only shopping I did for myself was when: a.) I got a chance to travel and b.) when I’d finish shopping for everyone, I would sneak in a purchase for myself. Not bad, but not great either.
Shopping is such a fun and personal activity. It allows one to be creative especially when you have a budget. Also, having the freedom and means to buy what you like can be quite empowering.
Personally, I can’t live without shopping. Whether it’s doing the grocery, buying books and supplies at the bookstore, or shopping during a sale, I love getting the best buys!

It’s the end of season sale in the metro!
During a recent trip to Malaysia, I had a chance to shop for myself. I was excited to say the least! As I entered the first store, like a trained shopping soldier, I was on a mission: spot what I like and go. As my fellow bloggers were my witnesses (Kring, Jhayvee, and Trixie), I was in and out of every store in 15 minutes with a loot to boot! I got great buys, but it felt like I just bought stuff for a client. OMG. Has shopping for myself become a job too? Nooooooo!

Shopping in Malaysia during my Nuffnang Blog Awards trip.
Yes, shopping has become an arduous task. I’ve been used to shopping with a purpose — hunting for what my clients need and going for the kill that I forgot how to slow down and enjoy the experience of shopping!
Me: “Aryanna, can you go with me to the mall? I want to relax and shop!”
Aryanna: “Shop? You mean sprint! Whatever happened to scoping out the stores at a leisurely pace?”

My human shopping cart. LOL! Thanks Aryanna!
I need to relax. Really. What’s the rush? I have no deadlines to meet. It’s just me and my fantastic plastic (read: credit card)! Haha!

Fancy meeting you here! Hahaha!
It’s the end of season sale in the metro, so it’s a great time to shop. I’m going to take advantage and flex my shopping skills once again. This time, I’m not going to rush. I might even trot to the dressing room (I usually just eyeball the outfits) and try an outfit or two… or three… or more!

Sugar = Shop till you drop! CHOZ! Haha!
Can you remember those times you chose a new vision and passion? Can you remember the FIRE? The DRIVE? The HAPPINESS? I feel alive again— like a girl inside Tiffany’s! Haha!

Breakfast at Tiffany’s Holly Golightly: “Did I tell you how divinely and utterly happy I am?”
Guilt-free shopping tips:
Here are some ways to keep your shopping — and your bills — under control:
• Make a list. Buy only what’s on your list or according to how much your budget is. If you don’t know exactly what you want, write a general idea of what you need in your wardrobe.
I suggest that you buy the classics: LBD, men’s white shirt, jeans, jacket/blazer, pumps
• Give yourself a financial reality check. This is the most important thing to consider before you go out for the kill.
• If you’re looking for that shopping high without the sticker shock, there’s always window shopping. I do this often. It’s good training to become a more responsible and happy shopper.
To avoid overspending, walk away from the item, sleep on it, and return the next day if you really want it.
In other news, here’s a little teaser of exciting things to happen on my website:
Comments 2
i love your blog. am from makati as well and i go to the malls/places you go to being a makati girl, how come i never get to spot you? 🙁 wish i could meet you in person. keep on blogging, love your insights.
Great post – as always! So are you gonna have an online shop too????
Exciting yan! Buying clothes personally picked by you means like being styled by “the” Jenni Epperson!
btw, I love shopping too! But now that i have kids (read 4 tots) i always shop for them. When I feel like buying for myself, I make sure that I get to enjoy however, most of the time, I just go home empty handed… why? not sure too or maybe bcoz the reality is I can’t buy all and just have to pick according to budget. after trying a clothes and shoes I always end up buying nothing -as in zero – undecided which to pick and walking out of the shop empty handed then hop to another shop again. Then again always ending up going home with just kid’s things in my shopping bag.
I’ll put in mind the tip you gave – buy the classics! must must keep that in mind 🙂
sorry for the loooong comment a.k.a kwento ^_^ and can’t wait for the new ganap in your website