Growing up with parents working abroad (this was before the age of internet when communicating with relatives and family in the States meant writing letters or using an operator-assisted telephone that took time before I actually conversed with my mom and dad), I turned to self-help books and talked to experienced individuals to gain wisdom about life. They proved to be helpful and insightful when I was in my teens.
In this digital era, I’m still in the habit of checking out inspiring quotes in my Instagram feed. Here are some of my favorites:
I’m the type of person that when I don’t know something or something is bothering me, I ask for help or I try to learn a skill to empower myself. I don’t bitch around or mope and wait for results.
When you start comparing yourself to others is when shit happens!
I’m a firm believer of the Law of Attraction—focusing on positive or negative thoughts, one can bring about positive or negative results. Always think positive however, this also doesn’t mean that you have to be delusional of reality. Acknowledging that you have flaws and improving on them are key.
Feeling self-doubt? Remember this!
There were times in my life when I barely had money to spend and there were times when I was cash rich. I realized that it’s not how much you have that makes you happy, it’s how happy you are with what you have. Money can only buy you freedom of time but what you do with your time and make it worthwhile is what happiness is all about.
Be happy now, change for the better and be authentic and watch how your life will improve!