Maison Epperson: Dining Room Update

jenniDecor 3 Comments

It’s Summer again and it’s time to do more repairs for our new old house before the rainy season hits. Nothing major (unless some horrific problem presents itself, like a busted pipe or clogged drain. Ugh.) just updating some our home decor. Hanging up some of Tom’s artwork to be exact.

These are Tom’s artist’s prints from his “City” collection:



My husband only produces limited quantity of his his fine art prints. The artwork are signed and numbered. He only gets to keep two artist’s prints for each of his work and these are the ones that I collect (hehe) and use to decorate Maison Epperson.


I like the monochromatic hue of the wall and artwork. The texture of the deconstructed city artwork by Tom works well with the interior.

I also bought a cute pineapple black board that we use as a menu board and I think it adds a fun element to the space.

Tune in for Maison Epperson’s Powder Room progress!

Comments 3

  1. Hi. for some reasons I still can’t access your blogs. I’m done with the survey and I have registered myself and I have received an email confirming my username and password. I’m so excited to explore your “newly renovated site” 🙁

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      Sorry for the inconvenience. My team has already fixed the problem. Please reboot your device and take the survey and register again. You should be able to access and enjoy my blog.

      Thank you!


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