Maison Epperson: Candy Canes

jenniFamily 1 Comment

The Epperson’s Christmas tree saga continues…

Aryanna: “Our tree’s nice buuuuuut, it’s lacking something.”
Tom and me: “We know. Candy canes.”
Aryanna: “So when are you going get them?
Me: “Soon. We’re so busy.”
Aryanna: “So when?”
Me: “Next week.”
Aryanna: “When exactly? Like Monday? Tuesday?”
Me: “Aaaaaaaaaa!”

You get the picture.

She is never going to shut up about the damn candy canes! Haaay!

Eto na,  Aryanna!

Real candy canes


Tip: For a fun and festive Christmas tree, leave the decorating to your kids!

Gingerbread + Candy canes = Fashion + Food

Tah-dah! We’re almost done with our tree!

Sana wag kaming langgamin! Haha!

Tip: Leave the plastic on the candy canes if you don’t want an army of ants attacking your tree!

I have to admit, our tree is looking festive and kyoot! Malapit na ma-achieve ang Fashion + Food + “Where the Wild Things Are” peg!

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