Long-Term Solution to Pollution: COMET

jenniLifestyle 2 Comments

There’s not a day that passes when I wish for all things good. As a mom, these good things often revolve around my family. A few years back, my husband Tom developed respiratory allergies. And, again as a mom, I have always got frustrated at how often my kids get sick with upper respiratory problems. Most of the time, I connect it to the health of the environment. Living in the city has took toll on our health.

The World Health Organization wrote (Geneva, 5 October 2006):

“Air pollution, in the form of particulate matter or sulfur dioxide, ozone or nitrogen dioxide, has a serious impact on health. For example, in the European Union, the smallest particulate matter alone (PM2.5) causes an estimated loss of statistical life expectancy of 8.6 months for the average European. While particulate matter is considered to be the main air pollution risk factor for human health, the new Guidelines also recommend a lower daily limit for ozone, reduced from 120 down to 100 micrograms per cubic metre. Achievement of such levels will be a challenge for many cities, especially in developing countries, and particularly those with numerous sunny days when ozone concentrations reach the highest levels, causing respiratory problems and asthma attacks.”

Did you know? In the Philippines…

5,000 PREMATURE DEATHS per year caused by Metro Manila’s Air Pollution
P14 BILLION GOVERNMENT EXPENSES in treating diseases caused by Air Pollution
22,000 METRIC TONS of soot emitted each year
85% AIR POLLUTION PERCENTAGE comes from vehicular sources
6,000 LBS. STANDARD JEEPNEY WEIGHT, which has a heavy impact on inner city roads
85,820 ROAD ACCIDENTS in the Philippines
14% ANNUAL INCREASE in road accidents each year
28,000 TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS per day in Metro Manila
P2.4 BILLION LOST INCOME per day due to traffic

The numbers are staggering! I mean, what’s happening to the implementation of The Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999, Republic Act 8749?

With problems seriously leading to cancer, shouldn’t we all be alarmed at the poor quality of the air that we breathe? I am!

It’s about time we do something

While checking Instagram, I saw my friend Kaye Tinga’s post on an advanced and innovative vehicle that I believe will be the answer to cutting down air pollution in the city:

Meet the COMET (City Optimized Managed Electric Transport), a sustainable mode of transportation. The COMET is a solution to this horrid pollution! Please, please, please… This electric ride is the future! A long-term solution.

Global Electric Transportation Corp. Ltd. (GET)  launched their pioneering project: the roll out of a fleet of 16-seater, fully electric city shuttle called the COMET (City Optimized Managed Electric Transport) in the Philippines.

Imagine your community with less traffic, noise and pollution. Imagine you can access safe and reliable mass transportation.

GET Mobility Otimization (GETMo) is a big step towards tangible change. It allows you to participate in a project that will have a real and significant impact on your family, and your immediate community while having a healthy return on your investment.

GET steps in to provide holistic solutions:


Fully-electric vehicles with zero emissions and quiet operations, advanced battery management system, simple automotive design criteria with size and weight designed for inner-city roads, built-in comfort and safety features


Command center operations with real time communication to each vehicle, controlled and scheduled dispatches, on-road vehicle performance tracking, daily vehicle maintenance checks


Proprietary and secure fare collection system, online owner dashboard for revenue tracking, automated and scheduled revenue reporting, accurate and on-time system pay-out


Gawad Kalinga accredited drivers, passenger and driver assistance hotline, vehicle insurance coverage including driver and passengers, emergency opportunity charge service for vehicles


Strategic route selection and dedicated rapid transit franchise, defined terminals and stops and secure garage locations, ubiquitous card reloading stations, dedicated in-vehicle connectivity and media channel

Watch this vid:


This is a genuine concern from a mother, a wife, a daughter, a friend.

Let’s all do our part. Carpool, walk, bike, ride the MRT, regulate aircon use, recycle, upcycle, buy eco-friendly products, lots of little things that can contribute to impact our world for the good. Every effort counts!

Mass transportation business owner should seriously look into COMET as this is the future. It’s a viable business and it may just save our lives.

For interested buyers or if you want to create awareness on COMET, visit their website.

Comments 2

  1. As a commuter, I often dream of a safe, clean, walkable Metro Manila. Commuting in our country is just sooo difficult, and inefficient (trains stopping operations, floods on the roads, a number of old, rickety buses that stop in the middle of the highway). I think this COMET is a very good step, but it should not end there. I hope that mass transportation will be throroughly efficient (like in Singapore and Hong Kong), and then regulate use and sale of private vehicles. We all contribute in the traffic, whether public or private.

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