There’s this Benjamin Franklin saying that goes “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” that has been on my mind recently and that I hope will also inspire you to pursue the right path to good health.
My husband and I believe in preventive medicine. We have been doing our best to lead healthy lives. An example of this is our preference of chia seeds (these tiny babies are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, protein, fiber and antioxidants) over any other seeds or grains in the world. Before I go preaching about food, let me tell you our story.
Tom and I have been looking for a medical facility that could help us stay healthy. We’ve been reading about wellness centers abroad where people go to to get tested not because they are sick but because they want to stay healthy.
What is a wellness center? A wellness center or clinic is a building or facility that is devoted towards the promotion of healthy living as well as the prevention of illness and disease.
Early this year, Tom and I visited a total wellness facility with an ambiance that was the farthest cry from a hospital with Kenneth Cobonpue furniture to boot!

I know that most of us turn to Google for information we need on anything especially about food and health. Well, this is a first-hand experience and a scientific one at that. All of us have physical make-up unique from each other. Our genes that we have inherited from our two unique parents were combined to further that uniqueness. I believe that the “one size fits all” rule will never apply here. LifeScience provides all the medical information and tests to stay healthy.
Our research on how preventive medicine works helped us realize that we can map out the health of our future. Good thing we found out that this innovation is already available in the Philippines through LifeScience! As an investment not only to our health but also to the best life, Tom and I had below LifeScience exclusive tests done. The results took a while to come back since LifeScience sends the samples to partner Klentze Institut in Germany.
LifeScience is evidence based. They take out the guesswork by validating the Anti-aging Physician’s initial assessment through a series of laboratory tests exclusive to LifeScience. These tests determine the exact state of the patient’s well-being, validate the Anti-aging Physician’s prognosis or identify the root cause of the patient’s present health issue.
Translayshun: Waley ng hula-hula, buking na sa ebidensya! Alam na. LOL
Some of the more basic tests include:
Micronutrient Profile. This blood test shows a patient’s vitamin deficiencies as well as reveals their levels of antioxidants, nutrients and minerals essential to their bodies’ internal functions.
My translayshun: The Micronutrient Profile Test is a blood test that shows what vitamins we need to take. Yes! Not all of us should consume doses of the same vitamin C or E everyday. Aside from vitamin deficiency, this test also showed us our levels of antioxidants, nutrients and minerals so we know what other supplements we need to maximize our bodies’ internal operation.
Food Intolerance Test. This immunoglobin G (IgG anti-body) test determines a patient’s digestive reaction to as much as 220 food samples. Not to be mistaken with a food allergy test (immunoglobin E anti-body, or IgE), this one determines one’s intolerance to specific foods and which inflammatory reactions will eventually lead to disease.

The difference between food allergy and food intolerance
Photo taken using Instagram
My translayshun: The Food Intolerance Test, this is an immunoglobin G or IgG anti-body test that showed us what certain food we are intolerant (not allergic) to. This revealed that the healthy food like wheat and soy that I have been ingesting are food that I should avoid!Tom, on the other hand, is intolerant to milk! His 30 years of practice of drinking milk gave him that bloated feeling and he didn’t even know it. Little did we know that some food that we thought are healthy or normal for us to eat would one day lead to a disease.

This is the result of my F.I.T. I’ve been eating soya beans/tofu and what thinking it’s good for me when in reality, according to my test, my body is intolerant to these food! After months of not eating food that I’m intolerant to, I hardly feel bloated. AMAZING!
Photo taken using Instagram
Hormone Profiling. To address problems brought about by hormonal imbalance—and there are many: stress, decreased metabolism, increased abdominal fat, reduced bone mineral density, irregular menstrual cycles, high blood cholesterol, etc.
My translayshun: Best for women who suffers from menopause.
Gene Testing. A one-time profiling test that allows patients to understand the blueprint of their DNA, this test reveals health conditions and diseases to which they are prone, and thus allow for the most ideal program to steer the patients away from living a lifestyle that will cause their bodies to take that path.
My translayshun: This will knock your socks (or stockings) off! The Gene Testing! I absolutely adore scientific breakthroughs! LifeScience describes it as, “A one-time profiling test that allows patients to understand the blueprint of their DNA, this test reveals health conditions and diseases to which they are prone, and thus allow for the most ideal program to steer the patients away from living a lifestyle that will cause their bodies to take that path.” After knowing diseases we were susceptible to, we can definitely work our way to good health!
There is only one meaning to this: a smart scientific investment to good health. It broke down the walls to what we believed were beneficial to our bodies. These tests definitely took out the guesswork and have paved the path to the healthy lifestyle we have been dreaming of. Health is wealth so they say. It is true because naivety about our own bodies results to huge hospital bills and unpleasant confinement or even surgery. I call it the missing link to the pink of health.
Brings me back to Benjamin Franklin and to the one hundred dollar bill. Think about it!
LifeScience Center for Wellness and Preventive Medicine
8th floor, Accra Law Tower, 2nd Ave cor. 30th street,
Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City.
T: (632)- 828LIFE M: (63) 917-573LIFE
Comments 8
Hi Ms. Jenni,
How much do they charge for their consultations and tests? Appreciate if you can share with us.
LifeScience has customized wellness packages based on the specific needs of our client. Please send us an email, so we can send you information. You may also call us at 828-5433. Look forward to hear from you.
Hi Miss Jenni!
Good day! I was not able to understand what intolerant mean. If it means that it is not allergic to how come we should not eat it?
Thank you. I really enjoy reading your blogs. It is very informative, funky, cool and pretty! Keep those blogs coming.
Hi, Agnes.
I’m working with LifeScience. Just want to share the difference between Food Intolerance and Food Allergy.
Food Allergy is the immune system’s immediate response to foods that our body perceive as harmful, while Food Intolerance is the digestive system’s response to foods that our body is unable to digest.
Food Intolerance result from the body’s adverse reaction to certain foods and can be due to several factors such as enzyme deficiency, for example in lactose, sensitivity to certain chemical in food for example in chocolates or red wine, or an Immunoglobulin G ( IgG) immune response. Reaction to food intolerance appear slower and can result in feeling very poorly, such as fatigue or bloatedness among others.
As a personal example, my 3 year old daughter is intolerant to dairy products. Since we took out milk from her diet her weight gain improved. I’m attributing this to the idea that she is better absorbing the nutrients from the other foods that she is eating. We are getting the nutrients that she is suppose to get from milk from other foods that she is okay to have. Hope this helps 🙂
thanks for posting this jenni. I really appreciate this & I am inspired to try out a welness centre here in SG too. I didnt know this type of centres until you posted it and with my family history of diseases I really am keen on preventing it. SUch an informant blog u have! 😀 keep up the good posts 🙂
Hey Jen,
This sounds amazing. Do you know if they do anything like this near me? I tried to look it up on google but am not finding anything. Also curious as to how long the testing did and what the cost was.
Thanks, your unhealthy sister-in-law hahaha
Hi Linda!
I’m sure there are wellness centers in the States. I’ll ask LifeScience if they have a branch abroad.
Thanks for this post J. I’ve been reading about how chronic inflammation is the underlying cause of our diseases. Was interested in taking this test in Manila and stumbled upon your post. Upon further internet research though, I’ve read that many doctors say the IgG test is not accurate and is a total waste of money. Many doctors advice to go through an elimination diet instead. What was your personal experience? Would appreciate any feedback. Many thanks!