Hotel Habits

jenniLifestyle 4 Comments

It’s obvious from my Instagram posts that my family and I love staying in hotels. Booking a room or rooms for the weekend allows us to bond with each other in a fancy setting.

For as much as I like hanging out with the Epperson’s, I also like checking in by myself for some much needed me-time. I often get asked what I do when I’m vacationing by myself. The general answer would be “nothing” but I have to admit that I do have my rituals when staying in hotels.

If you want to make the most out of your hotel staycation, I recommend you try these out:

Unpack and get organized – It’s easy to relax when all your clothes and beauty paraphernalia are laid out neatly.




Have a bubble bath – Nothing is more refreshing than taking a bath as soon as you check in or before sleeping. If there’s a bathtub in your suite, use it! Relax, close your eyes and enjoy serenity. I like listening to classical music while soaking in the tub.


For those who have never tried using the bathtub here are my suggestions:

• Take a shower beforehand so you’re not soaking in your own filth for a long time.
• Run a hot bath. At first, it will feel uncomfortable but as your body adjusts to the temperature of the water, it will feel warm and relaxing. Feel free to add hot water as the temperature cools down. Don’t forget to add bath salt and lots of bubbles!
• Listen to some relaxing music. If you don’t have a playlist on your phone, you can easily choose good ones in Spotify or YouTube but make sure no electrical devices like are close enough they could fall into the tub.
• Don’t over soak, your skin will prune. I usually soak in the tub for 10-20 minutes.
• Block all thoughts and be silent or just listen to the music. If you can’t help thinking at least think positive or let your mind wander.
• Immerse yourself in the tub and let all your stresses wash away.


Robe all day – Me-time is free time. Free to be comfortable and just wrap yourself in a fluffy or soft cotton robe.



Read books and/or magazines – This will be one of the few times you might get to finish reading a book or a magazine from cover to cover. Go for it!


Order room service – When staying in a hotel, resist the urge to order fast food. I know hotel prices are premium, but part of staying in a beautiful suite is experiencing what the hotel has to offer.

If you’re on a tight budget, eat out but don’t bring food in the room (if you have to, just bring bottled water, a bag of chips or some chocolates). Call for room service or buy a drink when you go to the pool bar and enjoy!




Skip the TV – While some prefer to watch TV inside their suite, I opt to relax in silence. It’s the best time to go on digital detox. No TV for the entire day and I only tune in to the boob tube at night. Sometimes, I bring DVDs of old movies to watch. Also, ideas flow better when we’re not distracted by the noise.


Enjoy the view – If you’re staying in a room with a view, open the curtains and suck in all the beauty. It’s good for the soul.



Try the hotel’s amenities and promos – Go to the swimming pool or book a spa time. Also, many hotels have offerings that have become traditions, like afternoon tea, wine-and-cheese hours and more. If you’re staying in the executive floor or if you’re an Elite member of any hotels, find out about their benefits. Some hotels are taking their concierge role to a new level, offering tailored experiences that expose guests to the history, foods and attractions of the community surrounding them. The experiences are often exclusive. Sometimes, they’re even free! Be sure to inquire before booking.






Dress appropriately – Hotels obviously want you to feel at home during your stay but that doesn’t mean you should lounge around the lobby and the restaurants in your pajamas. OMG. DO NOT WEAR PAJAMAS, BATHROBE AND SLIPPERS (unless you came from the pool) AROUND THE HOTEL. I don’t care if you are a regular guest, dress appropriately. Also, COMB YOUR HAIR before hitting the breakfast buffet. Don’t sport the bagong-gising look. LOL

Dressing up and proper grooming show respect for the other guests and hotel staff. Relaxing during your staycation doesn’t equate to being a slob.


Value experiences more than stuff (yes, I’m talking about the mini toiletries). Don’t get all worked up on how many bathroom vanities you can rack up and focus on the experiences the hotels have to offer.


Indulge a little, it’s good for the soul. Stay classy!

*The photos above were taken in different hotels and resorts my family and I have stayed in.

Comments 4

  1. Hi Ms. Jenni, thank you so much for the tip. My family & I love to stay also in a hotel once in a while esp during a long weekends. Btw, may I know what hotel is this? Look so serene and relaxing place to be. Thank you. 🙂

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      Hi Zen,

      The photos were taken from different hotels that my family and I have stayed in. The resort shots were from Shangri-la, Boracay.


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