Slow Cooker: Roast Beef

jenniFood 8 Comments

Roast chicken is like chicken adobo in the Epperson’s household — we cook it on a regular basis served with roasted veggies or brown rice. We love it!

After a few years (yes, I’ve been cooking roast chicken almost every week for years! Haha), Tom and Aryanna finally hit the stop button with roasted chicken…for now.

Ah, ganoon? Sige, sawa na kayo sa manok?  Eto naman: Roast Beef! Haha!

This is something everyone can cook and it will taste as if you slaved in the kitchen. Not only is it delicious and quite healthy, this slow cooker is addictive! Makes cooking awesome meals so easy! So crank the heat up and get the fresh ingredients ready – I am about to take you through soshal dinner made easy 101!

Prep time: 20 min
Slow cooker time: 5-6 hrs on low, 3-4 hrs on high

Slow Cooker: Roast Beef


Extra Virgin olive oil (EVOO)




2-2.5 lbs beef, trim fat. I also had my butcher tie it with strings for presentation.

Clockwise: broccoli, carrot, potatoes, garlic, onion

Beef stock

Easy Peasy:

Step 1: Season the beef with salt and pepper

Step 2: Coat the beef with flour

Step 3: In a pan, heat up the EVOO. Sear the meat on all sides. Just to brown it, not to cook it through.

Tip: Browning the meat before braising is key. By doing so, the flavors are so much deeper when the meat is browned.

Step 4: In the same pan, sauté garlic and onions

Step 5: Place the browned beef into the slow cooker. Add the onions to the broth and pour it over the meat.

Set the slow cooker to desired time: low (5-6 hrs) or high (3-4 hrs)
Tip: Most slow cooker recipes suggest 7-8 hrs. cooking on low heat. I find the meat too dry when cooked that long. My time suggestion makes the meat more mouthwatering.

Step 6: Half way through the cooking time, add the vegetables. This will keep the veggies crunchy.

Warning: The beef shrinks in size when it’s cooked down.

Tip: If you want brown gravy with the roast beef, spoon the liquid from the pot and place the juices in a small saucepan. Spoon about 1/2 cup of the juices in a small bowl, and whisk in the flour or cornstarch. Pour this mix back in the saucepan and bring it to a boil. Reduce to a simmer and stir until juices thicken into a gravy. Taste and adjust seasonings as necessary.

Me, I skip the gravy.


Serve with a smile! 😀

Comments 8

    1. Post
  1. Hi Ms. Jenni,

    This looks so yummy 🙂 We would be buying a slow cooker like yours this week. I would like to prepare this for Christmas Eve 🙂 How much beef stock should I use?

    Many thanks 🙂

    1. Post

      Hi Tess,
      I used I cup of beef stock.
      If your slow cooker is brand new, you might want to check the beef after 4 hours as it might overcook it.
      Good luck! You can do this!

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