Detox = Good ‘Jab’

jenniLifestyle 3 Comments

It’s spring cleaning time! And I don’t just mean for your closets. Summer is a great time to hit the reset button on our eating habits. There’s no better way to do it than with a juice cleanse.

I Googled cleansing programs available in the city and I found Juice Jab. The truth is, I find Juice Jab’s containers the kyootest! What can I say? Packaging can be the ultimate tie-breaker. I also find their website very helpful and it answered all my queries.

Here we go…

Last week, a beige with bright orange pipping refrigerated bag landed on my doorstep.

I embarked on a 3-days cleansing program of subsisting on nothing but six health-filled juices. Sounds over the top? Some may consider it crazy but I love a good challenge.

Jab Intensities

There are 3 Jab Intensities to choose from depending on your readiness and capacity to cleanse as well as your desired outcome. Each jab involves drinking juice instead of eating solid food for some, or all of your meals, depending on the chosen intensity. You can work your way up or jump straight to the stronger jabs!

Mild Jab

This requires replacing 1 meal a day (ideally breakfast) with 2 juice bottles, for 3 consecutive days. The rest of your meals are restricted to eating solid fruits and vegetables.

A total of 6 juice bottles is consumed for 3 days.

The Mild Jab is for those of who are new to juice cleansing and would want to get an idea what it takes to give up solids. It gives an ample glimpse of the positive effects of steadily infusing the body with enzymes, vitamins and nutrients packed in the juices.

The ff. Single Jabs make up the Mild Jab:

1: Emerald Punch
2: Amber Power

Ideally you don’t stop here. Now that the stage is set, allow yourself to benefit from the stronger jabs!

Moderate Jab

This requires replacing 2 meals a day (ideally breakfast and lunch) with 2 juice bottles per meal, for 3 consecutive days. The rest of your meals are restricted to eating solid fruits and vegetables.

A total of 12 juice bottles is consumed for 3 days.

The Moderate Jab is for those who have experienced juice cleansing before, or brave newbies who are confident their body (and mind) can take on a stronger jab. It gives a more apparent cleansing effect thru a notable discharge of the toxins.

The ff. Single Jabs make up the Moderate Jab:
1: Gold Strike
2: Emerald Punch
3: Amber Power
4: Ruby Hook

When you are ready to take advantage of the full cleanse, take on the strongest jab next!

Strong Jab

This requires replacing 3 meals a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner), with 2 juice bottles per meal, for 3 consecutive days.

A total of 18 juice bottles is consumed for 3 days.

The Strong Jab is for those who are ready to do a full cleanse, letting go of all solid food. It gives the digestive system an almost complete rest, which allows the body to direct its energy in cleansing and knocking out deeply seated toxins.

The ff. Single Jabs make up the Strong Jab:
1: Gold Strike
2: Emerald Punch
3: Ruby Hook
4: Topaz Swing
5: Amber Power
6: Jade Jab

I don’t do things half-assed so I went for Juice Jab’s Strong Jab. It’s the most intense 3-day cleansing program they offer.


• A quick down the hatch gulp is better than sipping the juice slowly. By doing so, you don’t get to taste the juice (most of the juices are yummy except the ones with celery) and it will give you the feeling of fullness.
• Work at home. Personally, I didn’t have enough energy and focus to basically do anything. I took three days off from work and just stayed home.
• Get your family involved in your cleansing program. Ask them nicely not to eat, cook or talk about food in your presence. My family is the best support system. Tom, Aryanna and Dylan ate out most of the time or when meals were served in the dining room, they informed me in advance. I would just read in my room.
• Reading, watching TV/videos/movies are good distractions.
• You will miss mastication so, chew gum if necessary.
• Sleep early.

If consuming nothing but fresh juice for three days still sounds a bit too extreme for you, use the juice as a meal replacement. Juice Jab has mild to moderate cleansing programs.

What I love:

• A cleanse is not solely for weight loss. Of course, losing a pound or two is a natural byproduct of a liquid-only diet, but it should not be the purpose for a cleanse. I felt light and good after my cleansing program.
• My tummy was definitely flatter and drinking just juice for three days totally cleaned me out!
• I’m officially addicted to their Amber Powder (apple, carrot and ginger). It was a delicious refreshing drink everyday.
• The six juices a day kept me feeling satisfied and I looked forward to the next serving.
• The Gold Strike (cayenne, honey, lemon, water) added a nice boost to keep my energy up.
• It’s good to be attuned to your body. It  will tell you if a cleanse is right for you and if it’s not. Personally, my body is built like a horse. A three-day cleansing program is doable for me.
• It cleansed my palette too. After three days, food tastes better. It also cut out all my cravings. All I wanted to eat were veggies and other healthy meals.
• The three-day cleansing program also jumpstarted my healthy eating habits. I eat 4-5 times a weak super healthy but weekends are for waffles and pancakes.

My verdict:

I’ll do it again! I love the feeling of being light and the idea of detoxing once or twice a year is something I want to keep on doing.


I suggest that you consult a physician before you go on the program. I had a check-up with Dr. Ben Valdecañas of Life Science while doing the detox. My blood pressure went down but I was OK. I just took it easy and rested a lot.

A three day cleanse isn’t a walk in the park. You will feel hungry. You will likely feel cranky. You will likely feel fatigued. I suggest that you stay home when going through a cleansing program. Start it on a Friday so that by Monday you’ll be able to consume some solid food for energy.

Your questions answered:

What are the ingredients used in your juices?
Our Single Jabs contain 500ml worth of pure juiced fruits and vegetables. You may check out the ingredients used in each Single Jab here.

Will I lose weight?
Juice Jab is primarily a cleansing program intended to give your digestive system a rest and allow it to flush out the toxins. There are usual cases of weight loss, but that’s just a happy side effect and not a guaranteed one. What is more beneficial in the long run is to get into the habit of regular cleansing to maintain a healthier you.

When is the best time to do a jab?
You will know when is best; you will feel the need. When your body has been exposed to too much unhealthy food and drinks, it is most ideal to do a cleanse. Usually this happens post holidays, trips, events, parties etc. We recommended to make cleansing a habit by doing it once a month.

How soon can I start another jab?
If you are new to cleansing, you can take a jab at least every other week until you feel fully cleansed. On-going, we recommend to cleanse once a month.

Can I do a jab when I am pregnant or nursing?
No, we don’t recommend to do a cleanse while you are pregnant or nursing, when during this time you are eating for you and your baby. Single Jabs, however, are perfect supplements to your mommy diet as they are pure fruits and vegetables.

There are also pregnant moms who find it easier to introduce fruits and vegetables into their diets in liquid form. Some just find the Single Jabs more convenient to ensure and monitor regular fruits and vegetables intake.

Can I do a jab if I have diabetes?
No, we don’t recommend to do a cleanse if you have diabetes since some of the Single Jabs that make up the cleanse are made of fresh fruits which contain natural sugar.

Can I do a jab if I’m taking prescription drugs?
The cleanse may have an impact on the way prescription drugs react in the body. As such, please consult with your doctor first.

Shoppingero/shoppingera, who’s game for a cleansing program?

For more info and to order Juice Jab, click here.

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