Beauty At Home By Aerin Lauder

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My mom is an Estée Lauder disciple. Growing up, I remember her budoir being filled with Estée Lauder serums, bath oils and makeup. When she first moved to New York, her initial purchases were the Estéee Lauder beauty products. She was also happy to get free beauty samples in the department stores and free gifts with purchase. She would always say that Estée Lauder had the most glamorous packaging and divine scents. Up to now my mom is always giddy when shopping for Estée Lauder.

I can’t relate to my mom’s obsession with Estée. Maybe it’s an age thing. But when Estée Lauder’s granddaughter Aerin Lauder busted out in the social and fashion scene, I thought she was chic and modern. I even stalked her style in magazines and online! LOL! I love that she can rock both Converse and caftans!

So thrilled Aerin Lauder finally came out with her tome.

We share the same love for corals

As God is my witness, I will have a breakfast nook in my next home.

Estée Lauder’s blue and white porcelain collection.

The dream house

Aerin Lauder’s own brand of lifestyle products

The modern day mom

I love this book! It is full of images of Aerin’s homes and office, and it in she walks us through her design choices, how she entertains and the importance of family tradition.

Shoppingera, this book is a must for anyone who loves a life well lived.

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