5 Things That Will Make You Feel Confident This Week

jenniLifestyle 2 Comments

In the wise words of singer Demi Lovato, “what’s wrong with being confident?” Absolutely nothing. But some days, we’re not feeling 100%… and that’s OK.

Confidence comes from feelings of well-being, acceptance of your body and mind and belief in your own ability, skills and experience.

To be honest, I suffer from intermittent self-doubt. There are days when I question every decision I make, my parenting style, or if I’m being a good person. Even as I am writing this article, I wonder “WTF am I trying to say?“.

It’s not just me either. Whether you’re a mother, a blogger, a banker, a celebrity, or a coach, self-doubt will be a regular visitor. We are human after all.

Here are some things I do or own that lift me up, and I hope they might do the same for you:

1. Learn a new skill

I read that learning something new alleviates negative feelings about yourself. Whether it’s cooking, baking or learning to manage your personal finances, you’ll soon feel happier with who you are, rather than an idea of who you want to be but you are not.

Cooking is about techniques. Learn the basics and practice. Soon enough you’ll be creating your own signature dishes!

2. Read a book

From learning smart, little-known facts to initiating great discussions with friends, reading makes you a more knowledgeable and interesting person. People love hanging out with interesting (not know-it-all) people and that is a total confidence booster!

Reading is also one of the few habits known to man that you can never have too much of. So go on, read on!

Now that I have a new biz, I constantly read business books to help me improve on managing Always Sunday. It also empowers me to make the right decisions and take calculated risks.

3. Check off the to-do list

I love making to-do lists. It helps me achieve my daily goals and knowing that I’ve been productive for the day makes me feel fulfilled.

4. Save more money than seems necessary, convenient, or easy

For me, money is freedom. I save money because I want to save my freedom.

Managing our finances allows us to confidently live the life we imagined without relying on others.

5. Wear makeup

Because looking good is feeling good.

While makeup is only a temporary quick fix to boost one’s confidence, sometimes, it’s exactly what we need when we’re feeling low.

There is power in kilay and lipchook! No foundation, no mascara, no eyeliner, just groomed eyebrows and a hot pink lippie to literally help me face the day.

“Lipstick is an armor to the world. . . . If you’re doing something hard, a really vibrant color is a good thing. Lips are the easiest thing to put color on.” — Keira Knightley

The self-doubt wants you to feel small and it might even want you to panic a little. But as the facts support, we are bigger than it will ever be.

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Comments 2

  1. Aww, this saved my day! And yes I agree, that there are times when you feel confident the moment you wake up but there are also days when you feel that the world is up on your shoulders….argh!

    Thanks for this, Jenni! That no. 5, I always try to practice even when I am just home and no client meetings to attend to. I feel the need to look pleasant even when I will just do phone calls to my clients. ☺️

    1. Post

      Hi Wena,

      Yes!! Looking good for yourself is important. Glad you like this blog post. Thanks for commenting! I love engaging with my readers!

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